Daylight Saving – Fall Back
Did you remember to set your clock back? Daylight saving time ended on November 5, 2023. All smart phones/devices automatically adjusted to the new time. Clocks get set back one hour; remember to adjust the clocks around the house and in your car.
Veterans Day Holiday
Thank you to all our military families and Veterans for their dedicated service. Please remember that Friday, November 10 is Veterans Day. In recognition of this holiday, there will be no school. School resumes on Monday, November 13.
Federal Survey Cards
On Friday, Federal Survey Forms were distributed to students (yellow form). Please complete the form for your child and return it with your child to school as soon as possible. We are requesting that all cards are returned by Friday, November 17. If you make any corrections on the card, please initial the corrections before returning the card to school. We appreciate your help completing and submitting these cards. Our school funding is impacted by the number of completed surveys turned into the school.
Leader in Me Family Night on Thursday
We will be hosting our first Leader in Me family event of the year on Thursday, November 9 at 5:00 pm! At our Leader in Me Family Night, families will have an opportunity to learn about the 7 Habits and choose from a few activities to Sharpen the Saw together. Please join us in this opportunity to have a fun night as a family and school community! Refreshments will be provided.
When: Thursday, November 9 from 5:00 – 6:00 pm
Where: Clear View Auditorium
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) Meeting
Our next ELAC meeting will take place on Tuesday, November 7 at 8:50 am in the auditorium. If you are a parent of an English Language Learner, we highly encourage you to be part of our ELAC and attend our meetings. However, all parents are welcome and encouraged to come to our ELAC meetings. Your participation matters!
Attendance Matters
Our attendance goal for the 2023-24 school year is to average 96% daily attendance. Last week our attendance was 92.92%. Let’s make every effort to have our students attend each day; every day of school matters!
On Friday we had an opportunity to award each student who had perfect attendance for the month of October with a perfect attendance brag tag for their backpack. Our top two classes with the best attendance for the month of October were Sra. Guevara and Mrs. Sweeney’s class. Congratulations!
If your child is absent for any reason, please communicate the absence with Cecilia Johnson, our Attendance Secretary, via email at or by phone at (619) 498-3000.
Below you will find guidance from CDPH for sending your child to school when they are not feeling well:
When to Attend School_Symptom-Guidance-Annex-B-English
When to Attend School_Symptom-Guidance-Annex-B-Spanish
November 9 – Leader in Me Family Night
November 10 – Veterans Day Holiday – No School
November 20 – 24 – Thanksgiving Week Break