Hello Voyagers!
Welcome to 2020-2021 school year! The Clear View staff and I are extremely excited to begin the year tomorrow (August 31) and be with students again.
Please take a few moments to view our Welcome Back video and read the important information about the upcoming week.
School Schedule
Clear View Distance Learning Schedule
The daily instructional minutes for distance learning depend on the grade level and are as follows:
- PreK, TK, and Kinder: 180 Minutes (3 Hours)
- Grades 1 – 3: 230 Minutes (3 Hours, 50 Minutes)
- Grades 4 – 6: 240 Minutes (4 Hours)
During these instructional minutes, teachers will be providing online instruction with students as a whole class, in small groups, and individually. While not in a whole group class session or working directly with the teacher, students will have assigned tasks to work on.
Please keep in mind that during the first week of school, teachers will be working directly with students for two hours each day. Students will receive independent work for the remaining instructional minutes.
Attendance for all registered students will be taken during distance learning and attendance will count. In addition to monitoring attendance, teachers and the school team will also be monitoring student participation during online class sessions.
Here is the LINK to some helpful attendance tips: 2020-21 Hero-themed attendance tips Eng SP
Free and Reduced Price Meal Application and Upcoming Meal Distribution
Clear View will be distributing bags of food to families who qualify for free and reduced priced meals each Monday beginning tomorrow, August 31. Each Monday, we will provide 5 days worth of meals (breakfast and lunch). Meal distribution will be drive up only from 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM.
Distribution Date: Monday, August 31
Time: 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Location: Meal pickup will take place in the staff parking lot. Stick to right to drive through the parking lot loop. Our cafeteria staff will be out there to provide you with meals.
Please remain in your car throughout the process and be sure to wear a mask.
Child Nutrition Services has made an effort to send out and approve as many free and reduced applications for the 2020-21 school year. We understand the district is closed at this point, however applications are still part of the approval process for students to receive free and reduced meals. If you wish to apply for free and reduce priced meals, please use the link below:
Free and Reduced Price Meal Application
Student Materials
We will be distributing student materials and curriculum this week. Families are asked to drive through the pick-up/drop off loop in front of the school, request the bag using the student’s name, grade level, and teacher. We will retrieve the bag and place it in your car. Please wear a mask and remain in your car throughout the process. The distributions take place at the following times:
- September 3 from 12:00 – 3:30 – Preschool, TK, Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, SDC classes
- September 4 from 12:00 – 3:30 – 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade
- August 31 – First Day of School for all students. School begin at 8:45 for all K – 6 students.
- September 3 and 4 – Curriculum and materials distribution is tentatively scheduled. Parents will drive to the school to collect a package of classroom materials for use during distance learning. The pickup schedule is as follows:
- September 3 from 12:00 – 3:30 – Preschool, TK, Kindergarten – 2nd grade
- September 4 from 12:00 – 3:30 – 3rd – 6th grade
- Week of September 8 – Virtual “Back-to-School Curriculum Night”. Schedule is being finalized and be released soon.
Clear View Blog
If you have not already done so, please subscribe to the Clear View Blog. This is the main way that Clear View communicates with families. Visit is at clearviewvoyagers.edublogs.org