Clear View News – December 5 – 9

Leader in Me Family Night

Thank you to our staff leadership team who planned and facilitated our Leader in Me Family Mission Statement Night last week. We had over 90 people in attendance and  families had an opportunity to develop their very own family mission statement. It was a fun and productive evening for all. We hope to see you at our next Leader in Me Family Night during the third quarter!

Attendance Matters

Consistent school attendance is critical for all students. Thank you for your continued support in sending your child to school on time every day.

Last week we had 89.24% attendanceOur goal is to increase our average attendance to 96%. Let’s do our best to continue to work together to keep our students healthy and at school for the next two weeks leading up to winter break.

4th – 6th Grade Coed Basketball Tryouts

We will be holding tryouts for Clear View’s coed basketball team on Wednesday, December 7 and Wednesday, December 14 from 4:15 – 5:15 PM. Students should make every effort to attend both days of tryouts.

  • Students in 4th, 5th or 6th grade are eligible to participate in the tryouts
  • Season runs from February 15 to May 25
  • Games are played on Tuesday – Thursday at 4:00, 5:00, and 6:00 PM (schedule will be determined prior to the start of the season)
  • Games are played outdoors at selected CVESD schools

In order for your child to participate in tryouts, the form linked below must be completed:

Coed Basketball Tryout Registration Form

English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) Meeting

Our next ELAC meeting will take place on Tuesday, December 6th at 9:00 am in the auditorium. If you are a parent of an English Language Learner, we highly encourage you to be part of our ELAC and attend our meetings. However, all parents are welcome and encouraged to attend our ELAC meetings. At this meeting we share information about our school/district technology accelerators (i.e. Smarty Ants/Achieve3000, iReady, Benchmark Universe, Go Math, etc.) to help you facilitate usage and monitor progress at home.

School Site Council (SSC) Meeting

Our next SSC meeting is this Wednesday, December 7th at 3:30 via Microsoft Teams. We will be discussing the first round of budget projections for the 2023-24 school and our site-funded positions. If you would like to attend the meeting, please email Ray DeVore ( for the meeting link.

Parent Training Series

Our CVESD Parent Workshop Series kicks-off this week on Thursday, December 8, 2022. Childcare and dinner will be provided for you! We hope you join the meeting on the topic “A Parent’s Guide to Behavior”.


December 12 – 16 – Holiday Spirit Week

Thursday, December 15 – PTA Polar Express Family Night @ 5:30 PM